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Acta Bioethica

SciELO Chile

Care for hiv/aids patients: norms and biosecurity for oral health in Colombia


  • Blanca Lucía Acosta de Velásquez


The present article describes biosecurity universal norms for dental care, specifically those referred to care of persons with HIV/AIDS, and also it reviews laws and norms at Colombia with respect to the topic.

It establishes the routine of evaluating, controlling and preventing accidents at work and infections associated with dental health practices, guaranteeing a better care and quality of life both for patients and for health personnel.


HIV/SIDA, norms, biosecurity, infections, dental health, sexual transmission.

Author Biography

Blanca Lucía Acosta de Velásquez

Fellow Epidemiología VIH/SIDA Programa Fogarty, Universidad de Miami. Coordinadora Unidad de Investigación Colegio Odontológico Colombiano Sede Santiago de Cali.