Measures of lexical availability: comparability and standardization


  • Francisco Javier Callealta Barroso Universidad de Alcalá
  • Diego Javier Gallego Gallego Universidad Europea de Madrid


After a deep review of the mathematical formulas used in studies of lexical availability, we have found some inconvenient in the range of value in the original proposal formules which make difficult to compare researches which have different size of samples. Mainly, we refer to the formula for calculating lexical availability by Lopez Chavez and Strassburger Frías (1987, 1991) which shows problems to measure the rate of availability when words are close to the lower limit (0), that means, they are "very little available". On the other hand, the formula proposed by Ávila Muñoz and Sánchez Sáez (2010), which measures the degree of compatibility of term, although a word reaches the maximum compatibility, its value never reach, theoric upper reference limit in this formula. In this work we analyze the above described cases, and we propose different formulas which, allow greater mathematical precision, and also, allow comparability between different studies using samples of different sizes and characteristics.


lexical availability, available lexicon, availability lexical index, lexical compatibility index, mathematical formulas, words, terms