This paper analyzes the theoretical and practical implications of an academic writingteaching innitiative which emphasizes the role of the teacher and peer tutor as active observers of the different discursive forms of their disciplines, based on the analysis of their own literacy practices, through the identification of the functions and prototypical structures of academic texts in use and their role in the construction of knowledge. Since 2014, the program has promoted the implementation of this model, through tutorial support to students and pedagogical support to teachers to promote these skills across the curriculum, with the purpose not only of developing verbal skills, but also epistemological and heuristics that allow all actors to validate and consolidate their discursive and disciplinary knowledge based on the reflection on their literacies.
Lovera Falcón, P., & Uribe Gajardo, F. (2018). TOWARDS A CRITICAL AND REFLEXIVE PEDAGOGY FOR TEACHING WRITING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Lenguas Modernas, (50), Pag. 91 – 108. Retrieved from