A defense of Anti-luck Epistemology: On the Relation between Safety and Ability


  • Abel Wajnerman Paz Universidad de Buenos Aires; CONICET


Pritchard (2012) proposed to revitalize the analytic project about knowledge: offering an informative and non-circular characterization. He believes that this depends on noticing that two main intuitions about knowledge imply two independent conditions. I argue that we can characterize knowledge using only the anti-luck condition. I do not offer only a response to Pritchard´s argument but I also develop an alternative strategy, unnoticed by Pritchard, but based on his own assumptions regarding the anti-luck condition. I claim that an evidentialist characterization of safety makes it dependent on an ability condition. I strengthen the defense of anti-luck epistemology discussing this characterization.


Knowledge, anti-luck condition, safety, generality problem, evidentialism