
The Public Law Journal of the Universidad de Chile invites national and foreign authors to participate in the next issue of the Journal, corresponding to the second semester of 2024.

Articles must conform to the editorial guidelines, which can be found at: https://revistaderechopublico.uchile.cl/index.php/RDPU/about/submissions

The papers are subjected to a blind peer review process.


Constitutional autonomy of the Central Bank


  • José Luis Cea Egaña Universidad de Chile y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


The author postulates, within the framework of a defense of the autonomy of the Central Bank, that Chile seems to be difficult to institutionalize the good findings, the correct procedures and those that are already, without a doubt, healthy results, something that worries him, leaving you in an uncertain expectation about the future of the affected organs.


Central Bank, Constitutional autonomy, Constitution