Darfur : self-determinnation, domestic colonialism and ethno-political secessionism at the beginning of the 21st century


  • Carlos Federico Domínguez Avila Docente e investigador del Centro Universitario UNIEURO,


The article approaches the trajectory of the conflict in Darfur, as well as the current conjuncture and some prospective scenarios. The central argument suggests that the current ethnopolitical conflict in Darfur can be examined from the conceptual srandpoint of internal colonialism. The paper concludes that the most viable alternative to the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa ethnias -original inhabitants of Darfur- would be the recovery of their political, economic and social sovereignty.


Darfur, Africa, ethnic and political conflicts, internatíonal security.

Author Biography

Carlos Federico Domínguez Avila, Docente e investigador del Centro Universitario UNIEURO,

Doctor en historia de las relaciones internacionales, Universidad de Brasilia; académico e investigador de UNIEURO e IESB (Brasilia).