Vigésimo quinto aniversario del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile


  • María Teresa Infante Caffi Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


The creation of the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile was described as a very important event in the intellectual history of Latin America. This affirmation invites us to carry out an objective analysis about what his contribution has been in 25 years to the systematic study of international relations. The substantive work in areas such as the Pacific Basin, Law of the Sea, cooperation and integration in Latin America, hemispheric relations, the Antarctic System, among others, give it a particular identity among the centers of this region, an a identity that is widely recognized. Its academic work in the field of international studies, with a multidisciplinary scope, is situated in a fertile environment eager for interpretations and prospective advances. The Institute contributes intellectually to this task through its quarterly magazine edited uninterruptedly since 1967 and through its postgraduate and specialization programs.


University of Chile, Institute of International Studies, Academic Journal, International Relations, Latin America

Author Biography

María Teresa Infante Caffi, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Abogado.  Profesora de derecho internacional y directora del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Univesidad de Chile.