La crisis del sistema trilateral y América Latina


  • Aldo Ferrer Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina; SELA


The formation of the trilateral system (United States, Western Europe and Japan) constitutes the dominant process of the contemporary development of the world economy. This trilateral bloc was gradually gestating after the end of the Second World War and is a direct result, among other things, of the way in which the United States exercised its initial hegemonic position and led the postwar world economic recovery. In this paper is traced, in broad strokes, the evolution of the system, its current crisis and the Latin American position in the current international context, which is marked by the expansion of the potential autonomy of this region vis-à-vis the external world in recent years.


Trilateral System, Latin America, World Economy, Crisis, Center-Periphery

Author Biography

Aldo Ferrer, Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina; SELA

Ex ministro de economía de Argentina y autor de "Economía internacional contemporánea" (Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1977) y varios otros libros, es actualmente consultor de SELA y profesor de la Universidad de Belgrano.