América Latina y los países no alineados


  • Carlos E. Pérez Llana


For the analysis of the relations between Latin America and the non-aligned countries, the Latin American specificities with respect to Africa and Asia are pointed out and then established the relations between the political models and their external ties. Without a doubt, the historical "times" had nothing in common for Latin America, Asia and Africa at the time of the creation of this conglomerate of the non-aligned. This is so for a number of circumstances. Economic, social, and political systems, production of ideas and values, among others, present substantial differences. However, based on a common element such as solidarity based on common interests and problems, a policy of Latin American rapprochement with non-aligned countries becomes viable.


Non-aligned countries, Theory of International Relations, Asia, Africa, Latin America

Author Biography

Carlos E. Pérez Llana

Graduado en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario; profesor de política internacional en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y en la Universidad de Mar del Plata; es director de relaciones exteriores de la República Argentina. Ha publicado: Perú en el concierto mundial : estudio y regionalidad.