Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional: Announcements 2022-06-05T05:06:51+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>The Chilean Journal of Occupational Therapy (ReChTO) is a publication of the Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, which publishes original works on occupational therapy, occupational science, and other related issues To these fields of action and knowledge. Papers sent to ReChTO must comply with the standards specified in "Instructions to Authors". The works that comply with the formal requirements will be submitted to peer review. The Editorial Committee will decide on its publication, reserving the right to request modifications to the main author or to reject the publication. The material sent will not be returned. The ReChTO does not charge fees for the submission of papers, nor does it charge for the publication of its articles. The ReChTO is free from the moment of the publication of each number and its contents are distributed with the Creative Commons license (Recognition) that defines it freely according to the Budapest Declaration in favor of open access. The ReChTO provides free, immediate and free access to all its contents, in PDF formats, in order to guarantee the maximum dissemination of the contributions made by the authors.</p>