Historicist and political reflection of Freire, gives us a deep look promising in the world. His conviction
oppressor and oppressed can liberate each other and together build a more just and equal, is embodied in education as an emancipatory praxis, which must be built into a dialogic relationship between teacher and learner. Paulo Freire's postulates it has influence of diverse intellectual currents and in this tour, we find a permanent invocation to Antonio Gramsci's contributions.
Gramsci, hegemony, Paulo Freire, education, emancipation
Vivero, L. (2014). A reading from Gramsci of Paulo Freire’s thought. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (51). Retrieved from https://revistaterapiaocupacional.uchile.cl/index.php/CDM/article/view/33052