The following article exposes the theories of Karl Jaspers and Kent Wilber regarding the possibility of a consciousness that accesses the totality of being. Although the question of being responds to a philosophical search, both authors are referents in the field of mental health. For them, some reference texts were taken, from which it was possible to identify the different stages established by the authors towards full consciousness, as well as some similarities and theoretical differences that they could present. In this way, the question of participation in being, such as states of consciousness, allows a greater understanding of the human being and a fruitful exchange between philosophy and the different disciplines of mental health.
Morandé-Dattwyler, M. (2017). Full conscience in Kent Wilber and Karl Jaspers. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (60), 328–338. Retrieved from