The philosophy of liberation of Enrique Dussel has proposed analectic as its philosophical method. However, when thinking about an epistemology for critical social sciences (coherent with this philosophy) several unresolved topics are evident. This article aims to observe three of them: the construction of objectivity, the criteria of demarcation and truth, and the logic of research. This article analyses three of these key epistemological aspects: the construction of objectivity, the criterion of demarcation and truth, and the logic of research. In this way, it is expected to contribute to clarify the agenda for a foundation of critical social sciences in the paradigm of the philosophy of liberation.
philosophy of liberation, analectic, epistemology, methodology, social sciences
Retamozo, M. (2017). Social science epistemology on Enrique Dussel philosophy of liberation. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (60), 339–345. Retrieved from