The present article defends the thesis that a plausible conceptualization of egoism in the work of Thomas Hobbes is the one that integrates the possibility of individualistic behaviours that become socially beneficial. To support this thesis, a reconstruction of the concept of egoism is made in Hobbes's work to highlight those interpretations that address the differences between the state of nature and political society. In the latter, through a pact, the interests of others are recognized as part of a strategy that protects their own interests. It is possible to voluntarily protect the welfare of others, even without having any interest in it. Reciprocity and cooperation arise in adaptive processes that establish rules that can represent ideal states of the world and that also maximize self and general interest.
Hobbes, selfishness, own interest, cooperation, rationality
Pinilla-Rodríguez, D., & Sánchez-Recio, P. (2020). Selfishness in Thomas Hobbes’s thought. Interpretation and cooperative rationality. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (69), pp. 241–254. Retrieved from