Qualitative social research has systematically dispensed with the use of accessible and shared empirical referents from which to agree on the production and analysis of the speech under study. From this deficit, what this work does is to analyse the problem of speech used as empirical material for observation from the point of view of scientific work. To this end, we study the importance of the communicability of the observations produced and their analysis from the problems posed by the deictic function of the speech observed in research. The conclusion of the paper suggests the need to agree and introduce an object referent in the experimental observation situation to make effective both the communicability of the research actions, and the reception and circulation of the observed speech among the different communities of speakers and discursive systems.
social discourse, validity, qualitative research, deictic function, communication
Gutiérrez-Brito , J., & Arnal-Sarasa , M. (2023). Deixis and empirical referent in qualitative social research. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (76), pp. 1–9. Retrieved from https://revistaterapiaocupacional.uchile.cl/index.php/CDM/article/view/69978