The growing interest in the development of writing in tertiary education has led to the emergence of a great diversity of programs which aim to support students in the task of communicating academically within their disciplines. Considering this context, this paper presents some of the theoretical options and strategic actions carried out in order to develop a writing program in Chilean tertiary education. The integration of diverse theoretical approaches is discussed, with focus on the contributions of each theory for the main purposes of the program. In addition, strategic decisions related to the development of the program are described, advancing its relevance for the creation of a writing program that acknowledges the needs and ruling principles of the institution where it emerges, in order to develop an organic relation with it. The paper aims to contribute to the domain of writing programs in Chile and Latin America, proposing a model that could address the growing need of teaching writing tertiary institutions face in these contexts.
Writing across the curriculum, writing in the disciplines, writing program administration, new rhetoric, systemic functional linguistics
Montes, S., & Vidal Lizama, M. (2018). WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM PROGRAM DESIGN: THEORETICAL CHOICES AND STRATEGIC ACTIONS. Lenguas Modernas, (50), Pág. 73 – 90. Retrieved from