One of the most common activities of dissertation supervisors working in undergraduate programs is to provide written feedback to students’ drafts. The present study describes a corpus of 1061 Genre-Oriented Written Comments (GOWC) provided by 12 faculty to 3 drafts submitted by their respective students during one semester. The research is part of the FONDECYT Project 1140360 and is a descriptive case study with a quantitative approach. Participants belong to 4 different teaching degrees from two Chilean universities in the city of Concepción. The analysis of the GOWCs shows that supervisors offer feedback for the text to progressively approximate the generic features of academic dissertations. The text must present the prototypical sections, distinguish between the voices and the authors, consider the system of activity and be discursively appropriate.
Feedback, Written Comments, Written Responses, Thesis
Tapia-Ladino, M., Correa Pérez, R., & Arancibia Gutiérrez, B. (2018). FEEDBACK WITH GENRE-ORIENTED WRITTEN COMMENTS (GOWC) IN THE PROCESS OF WRITING DISSERTATION PROJECTS OF TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMS. Lenguas Modernas, (50), Pág. 175 – 192. Retrieved from