Los riesgos del trabajo y su prevención


  • Hugo Cifuentes Lillo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


The paper analyzes the functionality of the legislation on work accidents and occupational diseases in the reality of production and business today, addressing its critical problems: self-employed workers -Law 20.255-, distance work, informal work,with special emphasis on small and medium company. lt runs on the challenges and the role that prevention must play as the axis of the labor relations even in times of economic crisis. Finally, sets out the obligations of prevention contained in Law 16.744 on employers, workers, public authorities of monitoring and control.


Work accidents, labor risks, prevention, social security

Author Biography

Hugo Cifuentes Lillo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Doctor en Derecho de Seguridad Social. Profesor universitario. Director de la OISS.