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Building community rehabilitation in big cities


  • Alix Solangel García Ruiz Coordinadora Programa Prevencion y Manejo de la Discapacidad,Secretaría Distrital de Salud de Bogotá



This document shows the development in the public health policies for Bogota concerning the communitary rehabilitation strategy. The strategy is understood as the set of actions or interventions looking forward the social development of people with discapacity and their recognition as citizens to improve their life quality within the community. It means timely delivery of services, promotion of the equality of opportunities, and protection of their human rights.

The strategy defines its actions in training axes, information,

abilities development, as well as management with the people, their families and the community.

The document is organized in the precedents, today's situation of discapacity in Bogota, conceptual framework, methodology, results and conclusions.


Disability, comunitary rehabilitation, city

Author Biography

Alix Solangel García Ruiz, Coordinadora Programa Prevencion y Manejo de la Discapacidad,Secretaría Distrital de Salud de Bogotá

Terapeuta Ocupacional, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especialista en Seguridad Social, Universidad Externado de Colombia. Magíster en Desarrollo Social y Educativo, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Coordinadora Programa Prevencion y Manejo de la Discapacidad, Secretaría Distrital de Salud de Bogotá - Colombia. (www.saludcapital.gov.co)

E-mail: Asgarcia@saludcapital.gov.co