
It is reported that the thesis section is available, to publish abstracts of postgraduate theses in the disciplinary field. Who submits your thesis, must present the title, abstract, key words (include Occupational Therapy), and a summary of 2 to 3 pages of your thesis. And `present it in Spanish, English and / or Portuguese.

Occupational Therapy experiences of Child and Youth mental health: ann approach to rights and participation practices


  • María José Poblete A. COSAM Macul; Universidad de Chile
  • Francisco Troncoso F. COSAM Ñuñoa; Universidad de Las Américas
  • Rodrigo Burgos A. Universidad de Las Américas; Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins


This article corresponds to an essay that has for purpose to show occupational therapy experiences of intervention in child and adolescent mental health. It is intended to reflect how this discipline, from the professional practice, contributes to guarantee rights, from health care devices.The document has four intervention experiences in public health context, that are bound to the founding principles of theinternational Convention of Children Rights, which constitute the pillars for the exercise of the rights established in the treaty.As part of the analysis of this document, it is concluded how relevant it results the development of public politics related to the needs of this population; because if not, “normal practices” are reproduced, and they affect the autonomy of the subject.In this way, it is important to develop located interventions, to promote the inclusion and participation of boys, girls and young boys as social actors.


child and youth, rights, mental health, occupational therapy, participation