
It is reported that the thesis section is available, to publish abstracts of postgraduate theses in the disciplinary field. Who submits your thesis, must present the title, abstract, key words (include Occupational Therapy), and a summary of 2 to 3 pages of your thesis. And `present it in Spanish, English and / or Portuguese.

For anti-racist training and practice



Race has been constituted as an historical, social and political determinant which produces racial inequality. This has limited the black population in their participation and social insertion. This essay aims to bring reflections about the emergency of an anti-racist training and practice in occupational therapy, being the social occupational therapy the methodological and theoretical reference. First, it was conducted a narrative review searching for works about occupational therapy and black population, to start the debate. It was identified the incipience of the discussion about the theme, which requires qualitative and quantitative advances. In this little universe, the productions of social occupational therapy have a highlight. About the training, despite the limitations of the nationals and internationals guidelines on theme’s approach, it is understood that there are official documents addressing the necessity of training that consider specific social groups, but is important for these guidelines to treat the questions involving the black population more evidently. Considering the practice, it is understood that there is a possibility of intervention by means of the occupational therapy, headed to anti-racist praxis, contributing for justice and racial equality, where black people have recognition and access to their rights, with opportunity to acknowledge themselves as able to carry out transformative moments, in the macro and microsocial dimension. Despite the limitations, it is important to recognize the need of debating this theme and the potential of our actions, so as to join forces to continue searching for a technical-political praxis, which besides of not being racist, is anti-racist.


Occupational therapy; training; professional practice; black population; racism.