It is reported that the thesis section is available, to publish abstracts of postgraduate theses in the disciplinary field. Who submits your thesis, must present the title, abstract, key words (include Occupational Therapy), and a summary of 2 to 3 pages of your thesis. And `present it in Spanish, English and / or Portuguese.
The inclusion of Occupational Science as a theory to address new conflicts found in the course of professional development of occupational therapists in the area of mental health and psychiatry gives the foundation for diagnosis, evaluation, and recovery from dysfunctional circumstances in which people feel involved.
This study describes the negative impact that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder had on occupational lives of women who were assaulted in public streets. These events are described after three to six month they took place. An analysis of the actions that produced more impact and a reflection about the direct relationship between engaging again in occupations and confidence recovery are highlighted in this paper.